CAPMAS explained in the statement issued on the occasion of World Population Day, that 51.5% of the population is male, and 48.5% female, and the gender ratio is 106 males for every 100 females. The agency pointed out that Egypt ranks first among the Arab countries in terms of population, third in Africa, and fourteenth globally, noting that the fertility rate in 2020 reached 2.9 children per woman in the country.
The agnecy stressed that the percentage of the poor increases with the increase in the size of the family, while the percentage of the poor constitutes only 7.5% of individuals who live in families with less than 4 members, while 80.6% of individuals who live in families with 10 or more members are poor.
It noted that Cairo governorate is considered the largest governorate of the republic in terms of population, as its population reached 10.1 million people, followed by Giza governorate with 9.3 million people on 1/1/ 2022.
The Egyptian society is considered a young one, where the age group (less than 15 years) constitutes about a third of the population with a percentage of 34.3%, while the proportion of the elderly population (65 years and over) was estimated at only 3.9% at the beginning of 2022.
The urban population reached 43%, while the rural population reached 57.0% at the beginning of 2022, as the total population density increased from 71.5 people / km 2 in 2006 to 103.3 people / km 2 in 2022.
It is expected that the population of Egypt will reach 124 million people by 2032 The age dependency rate for the entire republic reached 61.6% in January 2022, meaning that for every 100 people of working age (15-64 years) they support about 62 people who are under or over the working age.
According to future population projections (2020-2070), the average life expectancy at birth for males reached 69.7 years in 2022, and for females 74.1 years in 2022.
The agency pointed out that the population in 2032 is expected to reach 124 million if the fertility rate is stable at 2.9 births per woman, while if the fertility rate decreases to 1.6 births per woman in 2032, the population is expected to reach about 117 million in 2032.
The size of the labor force of the population (15 years and over) recorded 29.4 million (24.3 million males, 5.1 million females), with the unemployment rate reaching 7.4% in 2021, and this rate among females rising to 16% compared to 5.6% among Males, according to labor force research data for 2021.