The campaign aims to educate residents about the dangers of single-use plastics, and urge them to reduce its use and move towards Biodegradable alternatives to protect the environment.
Dr. Yasmine Fouad, minister of environment, affirmed the ministry's support for this campaign aimed at protecting the environment from the dangers of using single-use plastic that stays in the soil for up to 450 years.
"Plastic causes severe damage to the public health of humans and living organisms," said Fouad, adding that more campaigns will be launched once the public beaches are opened in Alexandria.
Fouad indicated that the Cabinet took a decision in November 2020 to limit the use of plastic bags similar to countries that have made great strides in this field.
The minister of environment praised the members of the campaign and their endeavor to play an important social role that would protect the environment.
The ministry is looking forward to more youth initiatives in the field of environmental protection, integrating women, youth, civil society institutions as well as the private sector in environmental work.
At the end of the day, the members of the campaign placed the waste collected during the day in a fish-shaped iron structure as a symbolic sign of what plastic does to marine organisms. Symbolic gifts were also given to participants of environmentally-friendly products produced by Banlastic Egypt Company.