As the Kingdom marks the eighth anniversary of Vision 2030 on April 25, 2024 a vision that embarked on a transformative journey eight years ago with the primary objectives of fostering a vibrant society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation.
This vision branches into 96 strategic goals achieved through dedicated Vision Realization Programs. These include the Human Capacity Development Program, the National Industrial Development and Logistics Program, the Privatization Program, the Public Investment Fund Program, the National Transformation Program, the Guests of the Rahman Service Program, the Financial Sector Development Program, the Health Sector Transformation Program, Housing Program, the Financial Sustainability Program, and the Quality of Life Program.
Despite facing challenges over the past years, including the global
COVID-19 pandemic, the Kingdom's leadership has increased government efficiency and responsiveness through investment in digital transformation. This has opened opportunities for growth and investment while introducing new economic sectors and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens.
The next phase of Vision 2030 is characterized by continued development of promising and new sectors, propelling the execution of Vision Realization Programs to contribute to economic growth. It aims to support local content to enhance its contribution to the Kingdom's economic development, improve the business environment, and further empower citizens and the private sector in realizing the vision. This empowerment focuses on leveraging capabilities and potentials to achieve even greater success and progress.