He was kept in isolation in a building belonging to DHA in Al Warsan area of the emirate
A Dubai salesman has been accused of damaging a flat used as home quarantine for
COVID-19 patients.
The Dubai Court of First Instance heard on Monday that the 31-year-old Pakistani defendant had damaged the apartment in Al Warsan area of Dubai during his stay there under quarantine in June 2020. The flat belonged to Dubai Health Authority and was being used to isolate people over the
coronavirus pandemic.
A 30-year-old Emirati official testified that security guards in Al Warsan area had informed Dubai Police about damages inside the apartment.
“The flat was handed over to Dubai Police. The defendant was arrested and taken to Al Rashidiya Police Station,” said the official on record.
The defendant admitted of damaging the flat while he was staying there in quarantine.
Pictures of the damaged flat were presented to the courtroom with a full report of the list of damages.
Dubai Public Prosecution has charged the defendant with damaging a building belonging to a government department.
The reason behind the damages was not mentioned on official records.
A verdict is expected on September 28. The defendant remains in police custody until then.